Performance Engineering Services

Let us pinpoint and solve scalability and performance problems

Performance testing

Your Application Is In Good Hands With RTTS

Since 1996 RTTS has run thousands of tests for 700+ companies (see our clients here) by our foremost performance testing experts. We strategize, plan, design, execute and analyze the results of performance tests on your applications and your architecture. We identify bottlenecks that are preventing scalability and assist your team in solving them.

What’s Involved?

Our experts will collaborate with you (for FREE) to determine your needs and requirements. Once we understand the scope of the application and its environment, we help you plan your tests and we will conduct testing of your applications’ scalability and responsiveness, based on a predetermined number of transactions, users, and views.

Results You Can Expect

  • Analysis of all user scenarios and transactions run with performance times for each transaction
  • Conclusions comparing actual results to desired performance requirements or SLAs
  • Performance monitoring for all components including application/web servers, database servers and networking devices
  • An extensive report on the findings that include: expert-level opinion, root cause analysis, courses of action for tuning/optimizing the application and architecture

We Support Your Performance Tool or Bring Our Own – Free!!!

  • Apache JMeter

In-the-Cloud Delivery

Our Performance Testing services are delivered:

In the Cloud: 

  • FREE Performance Testing software (Apache JMeter for <20k virtual users) 
  • FREE hardware & environment (Microsoft Azure)
  • RTTS’ expert Performance Test Engineers (not free)

Performance Testing Summary Report

Both services include a full Performance Testing Summary Report that includes:

  • Executive Summary
    • Purpose Observations and Findings
    • Moving Forward
  • Background
    • Application
    • Goals & Objectives
    • Requirements
    • Test Scope
  • Workload Profile
    • Overview
    • User Groups
    • Business Transaction
    • Transaction Volumes
  • Test Execution Lifecycle
  • Testing Environment
  • Test Analysis
    • Test Results
    • Key Performance Metrics
    • Response Time Summary Tables
    • Transaction Duration Time Summary Tables
    • System Health Charts: Application Server
    • System Health Charts: Rendering Server
    • System Health Charts: Database Server

RTTS’ Skilled Resources

All RTTS resources – managers and engineers – are full-time W2 employees of RTTS and all have computer related degrees: computer science, computer engineering, or computer information systems. And all work in the continental US.

Sizing Your Project – For Free

RTTS can analyze your project quickly and provide you with an estimate that outlines the business case, technical architecture, tasks, timelines and help you plan for it accordingly. This service is provided to you by RTTS — FREE! See more ⇒